Book Review: The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles

The Science of Getting Rich, written by Wallace Wattles, was originally published in 1910, decades before the current interest in the law of attraction and all the books that have come out recently. As such, this might be a book that you might decide not to read. That would be a mistake, in my opinion.
I first heard about this book from the website of Jen Sincero. At first, my attitude was close-minded as I thought something written so long ago had to be so out-of-date that it wouldn’t be of any use for me today. I was wrong.
While there are lots of books on manifesting on the market, many of them have a decidedly New Age focus, which isn’t necessarily bad, but can be off-putting to some people. What I really liked about The Science of Getting Rich is that Wattles strips away all veneers of mysticism in his discussion of the process of manifesting as a science that follows specific laws.
There is a science of getting rich, and it is, an exact science, like algebra or arithmetic. There are certain laws which govern the process of acquiring riches; once these laws are learned and obeyed by any man, he will get rich with mathematical certainty.
Wallace D. Wattles
One of the more helpful, and perhaps controversial themes of the book is how Wattles discusses getting rich as something right and appropriate, as if to not do so is sinful. While people who equate money, and the desire for riches negatively, Wattles makes a persuasive case about why getting rich is important as money allows us to buy the resources and experiences that allow for the fullest expression of life.
As someone who has always felt guilty about desiring to be rich, I found Wattles’ approach to make total sense. The point isn’t about getting rich for money’s sake, but to see and embrace money as a tool for advancing our lives. In this way, we become the fullest expression of who were are and allows us to add to the lives of others. While some may disagree with his sentiment, I do think it helps remove needless guilt around money.
I actually didn’t read The Science of Getting Rich, but listened to it on Audible. I feel like the book sinks in more when I listen to someone read it versus reading it myself. It’s kind of like being a kid again when your mother or father read to you at bedtime. If you haven’t tried experiencing a book in this manner, I highly recommend you give it a try.
At less than 100 pages, the book is short on length but more than makes up for it in providing thought-provoking concepts that anyone can be used to improve their lives. I have listened to the book numerous times and have always found it to be inspiring and useful. I hope you do too.